Install Genymotion Linux Mint

Pandu Aji Wirawan
2 min readSep 11, 2020

I try to learn tiktok for distribute content to US people. But when i try to logging in using my Android phone, i got content from arround Indonesia that not related to distribute content.

So, i decide to using Android Virtual Device (AVD). But my friend suggest me to use Genymotion. So, I try to use Genymotion too, maybe will be more easy!

Download Virtual Box

First thing to do is downloading virtual box. You can’t run genymotion without virtual box. You can download linux virtual box here.

After download, if you are using Linux Mint 20 like mine. You can install it by double click just like running .exe in Windows

Download Genymotion

After install Virtual Box, you need to download Genymotion for personal use. Because its free. I dont need to buy for try using tiktok in Genymotion.

You can download genymotion for free here.

I suggest to move genymotion installer which using .bin extension into /opt/ folder. If genymotion installer in Download folder, you can run code below in terminal

sudo Downloads/genymotion*.bin

Dont forget to make the bin file executable using

chmod +x genymotion*.bin

After that, you can install genymotion using

sudo ./genymotion*.bin

Wait installation process then done. You can run Genymotion now by open in menu or using terminal

REMEMBER: * in command means file that you downloaded. Sometimes will be different because we download different version.



Pandu Aji Wirawan

a professional jobless who love to share stories on the blog. Another blog is and