Lenovo Ideapad Backspace Not Working on Linux Mint

I got new second laptop from my brother. Really low end laptop. Lenovo Ideapad 110 with celeron processor and 2 GB of RAM. So Slow for me that using medium rig for my desktop
So, I decide to install Linux Mint XFCE because need lesser RAM than Cinamon that i use on my desktop. After instalation complete, everything work fine. I think that i will use laptop for my customer that going to my place to order Silver Ring. I have side job as seller silver rings.
About three days after instalation i got problem with the keyboard. You can’t event using backspace on keyboard. I dont know what happened to this laptop. I think hardware is not the problem. So i browse to all the internet about Lenovo on Linux Mint. I got serious problem, many people complaint about it.
On linux mint forum, i can blacklist peaq_wmi, but when i try. peaq_wmi even not loaded on my Lenovo machine. I think something need to do for making this laptop normal
After trying to push every function on every button. I got solved this problem. What you need to do for solving this problem is
Press FN + F9 Keyboard (lock icon)
After press that button, you can using backspace on Linux Mint again. I dont even know what the function of that button. Enjoy your laptop again :)