[SOLVED] Blender Can’t Find Font

Today I got problem when editing video using Blender Video Sequence Editor. As Linux Mint, i prefer to use Blender as editing video. Because my machine not compatible for the Davinci Resolve, and then i can’t import even mp4 video in Davinci Resolve, so i try to forget it in Linux Machine
Back then to editing video with Blender, i got problem this morning. I adding text on video then change the font. But the text still using default font. I try to change to another font but the font still not change
I try to troubleshoot the problem, running Blender from terminal and try to figure whats wrong with the Blender.
I am using Blender version 2.83.4 from Thomas Schiex PPA on Linux Mint 20.
When i try adding font, i got error message in terminal that say
Can’t Find Font //font-directory/
Its weird, because I use Blender file browse to choose the font. But they say can’t found it. Last week when I use Blender, i didn’t get this problem. After trying many option, finally I got the solution!
How to solve that?
You only need to disable relative path while browse the fonts just like in the picture below.

After disabling relative path in file browse Blender, the font can change. So you can choose favourite fonts to use in Blender.